
Parallel Computing with MATLAB
Virtual Workshop presented by MathWorks

Tuesday, December 10th, 2024, 1-4pm

During this hands-on workshop, we will introduce parallel and distributed computing in MATLAB with a focus on speeding up application codes and offloading computers. By working through common scenarios and workflows using hands-on demos, you will gain a detailed understanding of the parallel constructs in MATLAB, their capabilities, and some of the common hurdles that you’ll encounter when using them. 


  • Multithreading vs multiprocessing

  • When to use parfor vs parfeval constructs

  • Creating data queues for data transfer

  • Leveraging NVIDIA GPUs

  • Parallelizing Simulink models

  • Working with large data

Register for Parallel Computing with Matlab

MPI - Hands-on workshop presented by the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center 

December 10-11, 2024, 11am-5pm


This two day workshop is intended to give C and Fortran programmers a hands-on introduction to MPI programming. Both days are packed with useful information and lab exercises. Attendees will leave with a working knowledge of how to write scalable codes using MPI – the standard programming tool of scalable parallel computing. Working knowledge of C or Fortran required. 

  • accessing the clusters, 

  • navigating a linux interface via bash commands, 

  • running interactive and batch jobs, 

  • managing files, 

  • troubleshooting workflows, and more. 

Access more information and register for the MPI workshop

YCRC Research Support Office Hours

We invite you to connect with us live via zoom for ad hoc training and assistance with your questions on high performance computing, research, data storage, cluster usage, etc. 

Wednesdays 11am-12pm EST

 Phone: 203-432-9666 (2-ZOOM if on-campus)or 646 568 7788

Meeting ID: 224 666 8665

No appointment necessary.

YCRC YouTube Channel

The YCRC hosts video recordings of many of the workshops on the YCRC YouTube Channel.

Customized Training Sessions

The Yale Center for Research Computing can offer customized training for your group or department. Our existing training can be tailored to specific needs or new offerings can be developed. We have in house expertise in:

  1. Python
  2. R
  3. Version Control with Git
  4. Parallel Programming
  5. An array of applications (See the SRSC service page for more information)

Please contact us at for more information.

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To stay up-to-date on upcoming training and workshops, sign up for the “YCRC Training” mailing list: Subscribe to YCRC Training Mailing List