Computational Science & Engineering Software Sustainability and Productivity Challenges - Call for Participation

June 5, 2015

The CSESSP Challenges workshop will identify the unique issues around software productivity and sustainability faced by the NITRD computational science and engineering (CSE) communities, bringing together experts from academia, industry, government, and national laboratories. The workshop will focus on general issues and challenges of software systems sustainability and productivity with the aim of making software a first-class issue in the specification, design, cost and lifecycles management of science and engineering infrastructures. In this context, the workshop will discuss technical issues that impact software sustainability, such as software requirements engineering, high-productivity software engineering, reproducibility, software maintenance processes, and scalable, reusable, and portable software system architectures, to name a few.

We invite short (1 or 2 page) papers from computational science software developers, software system engineers, computer system engineers and architects, software managers, experts in related scientific software fields and government agency representatives. In the context of improving CSE software sustainability and productivity, these papers should identify and describe challenges, new approaches and strategies, best practices or experiences in related fields, and non-technical issues such as science policies and economic factors. These papers will be used by the program committee to structure the workshop, provide background material, and contribute to selecting attendees.


Submissions of up to two pages should be formatted to be easily readable and submitted as a PDF document using Easychair at

Deadline for Submission:

12 June 2015 (any time of day)

Important Dates:

  • June 12, 2015 - Paper submission deadline

  • July 24 2015 - Workshop attendees invited

  • September 11, 2015 - Deadline for acceptances

  • October 15-16, 2015 - CSESSP Challenges Workshop

For more information go to the CSESSP Website