Wright Lab

Wright Lab is advancing the frontiers of fundamental physics through a broad research program in nuclear, particle, and astrophysics that includes precision studies of neutrinos, searches for dark matter, investigations of the building blocks and interactions of matter, and observations of the early Universe.

The Yale Center for Research Computing maintains a partnership with the Wright Lab, supporting researchers use of high performance computing as well as local computation and storage.

Earth and Planetary Sciences

Earth and Planetary Sciences is one of the truly cross-disciplinary areas that brings together physics, chemistry, biology, math and geology in order to understand the planet on which we live.  Faculty, research scientists and students tackle issues of vital importance to society, including earthquakes, volcanic hazards, hurricanes, climate change, evolution and the fossil record, atmospheric carbon remediation, and the sustainability of natural resources.

YCRC User Group

The YCRC User Group is a community of researchers at Yale who utilize computing resources and technology to enable their research. The User Group holds monthly meetings, each on a distinct topic of interest to the community. During meeting there are opportunities for members of the research community to teach and learn from their peers in a mix of panel discussions, presentations, lightning talks, working groups and informal discussions.

User Group meetings are held monthly in the YCRC Auditorium on the first Wednesday of each month at 4:00 pm.

Research Image Submission

The YCRC would love to see any research images you have created using our resources or assistance. You can upload images on this form for the YCRC to display in the Center, on our website or in our publications. We may also reach out for permission to submit your images to the annual CASC Image Competition.

By submitting an image, you agree that you will not submit any image that violates or infringes upon another person’s rights, including but not limited to copyright and photographs of persons without the necessary consent. Thank you!

Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png.
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System Status

Cluster Maintenance

To perform critical updates and minimize downtime, regular maintenance will be performed on each cluster on a rotating schedule. Scheduled maintenance periods typically start on a Tuesday and run through the end of the following Thursday. During maintenance, logins will be disabled, jobs will not run and cluster storage may be unavailable. Communication will be sent to users both 4 weeks and 1 week prior to the maintenance period.


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